The Tesira compiler supports implicit AVB audio paths between a SERVER, SERVER-IO, TesiraFORTÉ and Tesira audio expanders (EX-AEC, EX-IN, EX-OUT, EX-IO and EX-MOD), Tesira Amplifiers - Plenum Mount and Parlé Microphones. These links are shown as blue dotted lines where the Tesira software determined the best allocation of channels and streams within the Tesira AVB network. There is no need for users to define talkers and listeners, as they are defined as part of a valid compilation process, but AVB streams are restricted to Biamp Tesira devices.
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With the release of Biamp Tesira 2.3 firmware and software Biamp introduces support for 1722.1 enabled AVB, also referred to as “explicit AVB streams”. IEEE 1722.1 provides the Audio Video Discovery, Enumeration, Connection management, and Control (AVDECC) protocol for AVB devices. The user must explicitly route streams from talker device to listener device. Explicit routing is achieved via the use of 3rd party routing software such as Riedel AVB Manager, Pivitec AVDECC Controller or HONO AVB Controller. Explicit routing allows AVB transport between AVB devices produced by a wide variety of manufacturers. AVB products will be tested and guaranteed to be interoperable with one another through the AVnu Alliance ( certification process. A requirement of 1722.1 is that the talker and listener streams must have the same channel count. If the channel counts differ, Audio streams will not flow correctly. AVB blocks can be allocated to a Tesira SERVER, SERVER-IO and TesiraFORTÉ device, Audio Expanders (EX-MOD, EX-AEC, EX-IN, EX-OUT, EX-IO Lab.gruppen Amplifier), Tesira Amplifiers - Plenum Mount and Parlé Microphones do not support AVB blocks.
Up to sixteen Tesira AVB Input blocks can be placed into each SERVER, SERVER-IO, TesiraFORTÉ (TesiraFORTÉ X does not support AVB 1722.1) or Tesira Amplifiers - Rack Mount device. Review the AVB Network Considerations sections for AVB stream and channel bandwidth information.
A requirement of 1722.1 is that the talker and listener streams must have the same channel count. If the channel counts differ, Audio streams will not flow correctly.
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Please see
for a full list of AVB controllers. At the time of writing the
following controllers are available:
Each 1722.1 block placed in the layout will result in the creation of a 1722.1 enabled AVB stream in the AVB-1 card. The blocks are denoted “AVB” to reflect their 1722.1 support. Please see the AVB Input and AVB Output component objects.
These streams will be advertised via ADP, and third party controllers will be able to interact with and connect those streams using AECP and ACMP. Third party AVDECC controllers create connection on a per-stream basis.
Tesira AVB input and output blocks will allow a maximum of 60 channels per block, and thus a maximum of 60 channels per stream. Streams may be given unique names within the Tesira software by the user, these names will be visible to the AVB routing software.
Once a Tesira configuration has been compiled and loaded to a Tesira AVB capable system, the participating streams will be advertised to the AVB network and become available to be connected to other devices by the AVB routing software.
AVB routing software will provide some version of an AVB matrix routing interface. Each participating AVB device on the network advertises its AVB talker streams which are available to be routed to other AVB listening devices. The user selects the intersection of the transmitting stream channels of one device and the receiving stream channels of another device and the AVB matrix negotiates the connection. Connection of output to input of the same device is not supported.
The routing software will provide clock master and slave information and other diagnostic capabilities for the AVB network participants. See the supporting documentation for your nominated AVB Manager software for further details on what is available and how to use the features of the products.
Implicit and Explicit AVB channels and streams will count against the total available channel and stream count (bandwidth) for AVB traffic across the AVB network and on Tesira AVB ports and must be considered by the installer in larger AVB systems.