Signal Present Meter

A Signal Present Meter block provides a simple visual indication when the level of an audio signal exceeds a specified threshold level.  Signal Present Meters can also be configured to generate a logic signal when the audio level threshold is exceeded.

Initialization Dialog

When initially inserting a Signal Present Meter into a configuration:

Channel Count determines how many separate audio signals the block will be able to meter.

Use Logic will create one logic output terminal on the block for each channel.  See below for an explanation of the logic features of this block.

DSP Block Representation

More information on logic is located here: Signal_Present_Meter

Control Dialog

Signal is a visual indication which will light up when the audio signal exceeds the threshold.

Threshold is the level which the audio input signal must exceed before the Signal Present Meter will activate.

Identifier provides a custom label when the dialog box is minimized.

Invert reverses the logic signal that is produced by the block.  When Invert is activated, the logic output will go HIGH when the audio level is below the threshold, and it will go LOW when the audio level is above the threshold.  Using Invert is equivalent to wiring a NOT gate to the logic output.  Invert is only available when “Use logic” is checked in the initialization dialog.

Debouncer Delay stabilizes the logic output signal by requiring that the audio signal remain above or below the threshold for a certain amount of time before the logic output signal will change.  Setting an On Delay will require that the audio signal remains above the threshold for the specified time before the logic output signal will go HIGH.  Setting an Off Delay will require that the audio signal remains below the threshold for the specified time before the logic output signal will go LOW.  Both an On and Off Delay can be specified simultaneously.  Additionally, the Invert control does not affect the operation of the Debouncer Delay; that is, the On Delay is always triggered when the audio level exceeds the threshold, and the Off Delay is always triggered when the audio level is below the threshold.

Using Debouncer Delay is equivalent to wiring a Logic Delay  to the logic output.  Debouncer Delay is only available when “Use logic” is checked in the initialization dialog.

The Logic Meter’s Control Dialog can be minimized to create user control surfaces (see Minimizing_Control_Dialogs).