USB X is available on TesiraFORTÉ X and EX-UBT devices (see EX-UBT for USB information specific to that device). The USB initialization dialog allows the selection of three different operational modes. See the USB considerations section for more details. USB connections may require the Asynchronus clocking mode to be disabled. Please review the USB_Clocking section if audible artifacts are heard on USB streams.

Initialization Dialog

Configurations for the Tesira USB X are available from the Object Toolbar via the Telephony/Communications menu item:

When the USB X object type is selected from the Audio Object Toolbar, the USB X Initialization dialog window is displayed:

USB X Channel Count - This allows the user to select between three different channel configurations:

USB X Connection Type - The two Speakerphone modes provide single or stereo audio input and output streams for use with a soft codec application on a PC. The USB X Input represents the incoming audio from the soft codec and the USB X Output is used to send audio to the far side.

Mute USB X Inputs as a group - Mutes all USB X input channels when the mute state of a single input channel is changed. This selection is checked and cannot be deselected if either of the Speakerphone USB X terminal types is selected. It is also checked by default if the Line In/Out USB terminal type is selected.

Mute USB X Outputs as a group - Mutes all USB X output channels when the mute state of a single output channel is changed. This selection is checked and cannot be deselected if either of the Speakerphone USB terminal types is selected. It is also checked by default if the Line In/Out USB terminal type is selected.

Notes on host operating system controls:

DSP Block Representation

Input Output Control Dialog:


Name Description Range
Peak A software indicator that flashes when the input signal is within 6dB of clipping Dark - Off Red - On
Mute Turns the input signal on/off. Dark - Off Red - On
Level Adjusts the relative input volume -100 to 0
USB Status Connected and Streaming status are shown Dark - Off Green - On
USB Device Name Allows entering a USB device name which will be visible in Windows. The USB device name only supports alphanumeric characters and spaces. Do not use spaces at the beginning or end of the device name.  If left blank, the default naming will be EX-UBT<serial number>.  



Name Description Range
Mute turns the input signal on/off.  
Level adjusts the relative output volume -100 to 0
USB Status Connected and Streaming status are shown Dark - Off Green - On