Audio Meter

Audio Meters allow for a visual representation of the level (i.e. volume) of an audio signal, in decibels.

When initially inserting an Audio Meter into a configuration:

Type selects the type of audio meter, Peak or RMS.

Peak vs. RMS

A Peak Meter displays the instantaneous level of the signal as fast as it can. This is useful for metering highly transient signals, or for gauging the highest level of an audio signal regardless of how brief the peak is.


An RMS meter has a slower response and displays a level that is averaged over time. The result is that short peak signals may not register as much on an RMS meter, however the response of an RMS meter is generally considered to be closer to the response of the human ear.


Note that sending the same signal to a Peak Meter and an RMS Meter may not result in an identical decibel reading on both meters.

Channel Count determines how many separate audio signals the block will be able to meter.

DSP Block Representation

Control Dialog

The meter shows the signal level in decibels (specifically, in dBu). Audio signals will clip at +24dBu.

Hold Time can be used to slow the meter ballistics as it determines the maximum speed at which the meter will decay. This can be set from 0.1ms to 10000ms. The meter will decay by up to 20dB during the selected hold time. This function is only available when Hold Enable is enabled.

For example:

The decay rate on a 1000ms hold time would be 20dB a second. So for signals at 0dB it will take the meter 4 seconds to reach -80dB

The decay rate on a 500ms hold time would be 40dB a second. So for signals at 0dB it will take the meter 2 seconds to reach -80dB

Hold Enable turns the Hold Time function on and off.

Indefinite Hold when enabled Indefinite Hold displays the highest metering level recorded. This value is referenced to an indefinite amount of time and as a result the dB value can be seen to decay slowly as time passes. Note this is similar to, but different from an 'Infinite Hold'. An Infinite Hold feature is not currently available in Tesira.

Identifier provides a customizable text label. This is also shown when the dialog box is minimized.

The Logic Meter’s Control Dialog can be minimized to create user control surfaces (see Minimizing Control Dialogs ).