
Please also review the Troubleshooting TTP which gives information on configuring a PC to connect to a Tesira system for testing purposes.

Telnet is configured by specifying the IP address of the Tesira Server and connecting via port 23. A maximum of 32 Telnet connections per server are supported. The ability for Tesira Server, Server IO, Tesira Amplifiers or TesiraFORTÉ devices to use Telnet can be enabled or disabled via a DEVICE TTP command or in the Device Maintenance Settings > Network Settings dialog.

When controlling multiple Tesira units that are not part of the same TMF file, each Tesira Server unit will need to be addressed via its own Telnet Session. Commands sent via Telnet are not encrypted.

VoIP Telnet

The option to disable Telnet connections (port 23) on the VoIP enabled FORTÉ and Server devices is available from within the VoIP Property Sheet. This is an engineering diagnostic interface only however for installations with security concerns about this port being open, it can be disabled. Also refer to the VoIP Property Sheet to disable HTTP or HTTPs access to the VoIP management webpage.

Negotiation required to establish a Telnet control session.

Session Options

Tesira implements a Telnet server on port 23. When the request from the control system to open a session is received, the Tesira Telnet server attempts to negotiate the session’s options, following specifications described in the Telnet standard document RFC 854 as well as document RFC 855, Telnet Option Specifications.

A standard Telnet client would be able to negotiate the session options without problem, but several third party controllers do not implement a Telnet client by default. Instead, they implement control over TCP/IP using what’s commonly known as a ‘RAW’ connection. If the Control System does not respond to the Telnet session options negotiations, the session will not go ahead. As such, the control system will have to be programmed to negotiate the Telnet options with Tesira’s Telnet server. Many of the available options can be useful during a control session and indeed a programmer may choose to enable some of them, but if the desire is to continue using a ‘RAW’ connection, the simplest way to initiate a control session is for the control system to respond with a rejection to any option negotiation request from the server.


The best way to understand the Telnet options negotiation procedure is by looking at the data in Hex format. Notation will be “0xFF” for Hex character FF.

The Telnet commands we are concerned with are always three bytes long. The first is the Interpret As Command (IAC) character, and it is always 0xFF. The second character is the Command and the last character is the Option being negotiated.

Commands can be:

Negotiated options can be (but not limited to*):

* There are many different Telnet options in existence; a master list is maintained by IANA


The control system needs to react to any incoming string that begins with 0xFF, and decide whether the option is desired or not. If the intent is to control Tesira using a ‘raw’ connection, all that’s required is to always reject the option negotiation. If Tesira sends a “WILL” Command, the control system shall respond with “DON’T”, and if Tesira sends a “DO”, the response should be “WON’T”. The Option byte needs to be returned as received.

In essence, the mechanism is as follows:

When the server sends:



<byte X>

The control system responds with:



<byte X>

When the server sends:



<byte X>

The control system responds with:



<byte X>


Source  IAC Command Option Notes
Tesira Sever 0xFF  0xFD 0x01 Do Echo
control system / Client 0xFF  0xFC 0x01 Won’t Echo


Source  IAC Command Option Notes
Tesira Sever 0xFF 0xFB 0x03 Will Suppress Go Ahead
control system / Client 0xFF  0xFE 0x03 Don’t Suppress Go Ahead


Once all options are negotiated, the Tesira server will send the message “Welcome to the Tesira Text Protocol Server”, preceded and followed by 0x0D and 0x0A. The control system is now free to send TTP commands.

Other considerations

Please note that the Tesira server will usually end any string with either 0x0D (CR character) followed by 0x0A (LF character), but as per Telnet RCF it may also use 0x0D (CR character) followed by 0x00 (NUL character). As such, the third party control system must be able to read one more character after it sees a 0x0D, which will always be either 0x0A or 0x00, and handle them appropriately.

In addition, and while in practice most of the negotiations will always take place at the beginning of a session, Telnet allows for them to happen at any point during the session.

Example negotiation

Below is an example session options negotiation at the beginning of a Telnet session between Tesira and a TCP Client which was programmed to reject all options offered by the server. Please note this is for illustrations purposes only and the order and quantity of options negotiated may vary depending on firmware release. Strings have been organized below for clarity; however multiple Telnet strings may arrive from the Server in one Ethernet frame. Responses can be sent one at the time, or multiple responses in a single frame.  

Source  IAC Command Option Notes
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x18 Do Terminal Type
Client 0xFF 0xFC 0x18 Won't Terminal Type
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x20 Do Terminal Speed
Client 0xFF 0xFC 0x20 Won't Terminal Speed
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x23 Display Location
Client 0xFF 0xFC 0x23 Won’t X Display Location
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x27 Do New Environment Option
Client 0xFF 0xFC 0x27 Won't New Environment Option
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x24 Do Environment Option
Client 0xFF 0xFC 0x24 Won't Environment Option
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFB 0x03 Will Suppress Go Ahead
Client 0xFF 0xFE 0x03 Don’t Suppress Go Ahead
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x01 Do Echo
Client 0xFF 0xFC 0x01 Won’t Echo
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x22 Do Linemode
Client 0xFF 0xFC 0x22 Won’t Linemode
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x1F Do Negotiate About Window Size
Client 0xFF 0xFC 0x1F Won't Negotiate About Window Size
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFB 0x05 Will Status
Client 0xFF 0xFE 0x05 Don't Status
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x21 Do Remote Flow Control
Client 0xFF 0xFC 0x21 Won't Remote Flow Control
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFB 0x01 Will Echo
Client 0xFF 0xFE 0x01 Don’t Echo
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x06 Do Timing Mark
Client 0xFF 0xFC 0x06 Won't Timing Mark
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x00 Do Binary Transmission
Client 0xFF 0xFC 0x00 Won't Binary Transmission
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFB 0x03 Will Suppress Go Ahead
Client 0xFF 0xFE 0x03 Don’t Suppress Go Ahead
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFB 0x01 Will Echo
Client 0xFF 0xFE 0x01 Don’t Echo
Tesira Server 0xFF 0xFD 0x0A  
Tesira Server 0x0D 0x0A Welcome to the Tesira Text Protocol Server 0x0D 0x0A