System Security

System Security

Allows a system to be password protected. Enabling Security also affects Connecting to the system via TTP. Please review TTP Security for more details.

Protection can be applied using two methods depending if the system is Unconfigured or Configured:

Unconfigured System

If a Tesira Server, Server IO, TesiraFORTÉ and Tesira Amplifier is unconfigured (Device ID 0, System ID and System Description blank as shown in Device Maintenance, this can initially be done by selecting the device and clicking Security Settings.

The Device Security dialog will allow the creation of an administrator password, which retains all permissions to the Tesira Server, Server IO, TesiraFORTÉ and Tesira Amplifier. This is applied by clicking the Protect Device button. The admin password may be changed or the system unprotected from this dialog:


Set the Admin Password as required. Other levels of system access must be configured using the Tools>System Security dialog when connected to the system when it is configured.


NOTE: When two protected Tesira Servers are configured as part of the same system, the administrator passwords must match.


The Wall Plate Control dialog allows users to create and manage security credentials for the TEC-X devices. When a user connects to the server device for the first time after opening a new Control Pad Designer session, the software will use the default credentials (the server-class device serial number). The default password may be changed through the Security Settings Wall Plate Control tab:

Change Password

Before the Wall Plate Control Change Password button can be clicked, the Protect Device must be enabled with an Admin password under the Device Security tab as previously described above:

The user must provide the administrator password to change the web server password:

The user enters the new password and clicks OK:

Change wall plate control credentials successful:

Reset Password

The Reset Password is enabled at all times:

Reset control credentials successful:


Configured System

If the Tesira Server, Server IO, TesiraFORTÉ and Tesira Amplifier units are already configured (part of a system), protection can be applied while connected via Tesira software using the System > Security > Manage System Security dialog.  As in the previous case, one must first assign an administrator password that retains complete access to the system. With that accomplished, users of various types can be added to the system. With that accomplished, users of various types can be added to the system.  Subsequent logins to the system at the administrator level will use the password with ‘admin’ as the user name

By clicking on Add User, other users can be created with one of a few system access (privilege) levels:

One must be logged on as administrator to:

To change a password, select System > Security > Change Own Password while logged in to the system.