DSP Resources

Once a Compile is successful, the DSP allocation can be reviewed via the DSP Resources Docking Window. The Usage by Partition section shows a table which summarizes the current DSP required for each partition. The DSP Resources window has two parts, a Usage by Partition table on the top and a Usage by Device chart below it.

Usage by Partition

The DSP resources Usage by Partition table sums the required resources for each block of a partition if the block is able to be included in a compile. Blocks that are not included in a compile (as they are unconnected, for example) will not have their resources included. The table will display how many TesiraFORTÉ or DSP-2 cards would be required for that partition. This calculation is made live as lines are connected / disconnected. The check mark indicates the compiled state of a partition.





Partition is compiled

Blank or ticked


Partition number and name



Percentage of DSP required if using a Forte Device

0.00 to 1.00 per device

DSP-2 Cards

Percentage of DSP required if using one or more DSP-2 cards

0.00 to 1.00 per card

Voltera Percentage of DSP required if using a Voltera device 0.00 to 1.00 per device


Usage by Device

The DSP resources chart describes usage per device. This chart will only display information for compiled partitions. If the layout only has some partitions compiled the Usage by Device chart will only show information for the partitions that have been compiled. This chart reflects the current equipment in a system (according to the equipment table). It will also display DSP utilization of that equipment as partitions are compiled. When a compiled partition is altered (line added/removed), the DSP resource allocation for that partition is removed until the next compilation.

Based on the devices populated in the Equipment table:

The Scale percentage indicates a 0 to 100% utilization value of the DSP used based on the available DSP Resource in the device.






A scale of how much resource is available on the unit

0 - 100% of available DSP


A description of the device used and DSP resource required

Forte, 2/3 DSP-2, 1/8 DSP-2